It's been pretty obvious over the past few months that interest has been waning in the blog. There hasn't been a decent comment in over 2 months, and I blame that on the long time in between posts, the lack of substance in the past few posts, and it being the summer and people spending less time reading my blog and more time out in the sun and on vacation. Well, it's time to change all that, garner up some interest in the blog, and get people talking again.
So I have a confession to make. I have a secret that I've been hiding for about 2 months now. I've been thinking about coming clean for a while, and it's finally time to do it. One of my best friends once told me that I need to be more open and honest with my friends, so I'm doing that now.
Here goes: I'm one of the millions of people trying the online dating scene. Feels good to get that off my chest. On July 1, I signed up for a 3 month trial at Match.com. I'll be the first person to admit that I had a HUGE stigma when it came to online dating. I thought it was only for desperate, weird, creepy, ugly, older, and (insert negative adjective here) people. However, due to some strong urging from my Manager and a little bit of open-mindedness, I've realized that is totally not the case. You can definitely find down to earth, attractive people in the 20-30 age group if you search for a few minutes.
Online dating is really for people who are looking for something they weren't able to find in other places. This subset of America is not only gigantic, but takes a cross-section of all types of people. On Match.com, you'll find plenty of attractive people, plenty of creepers, and plenty of normal people. Basically, it's just like every other aspect of society. In fact, I'd be willing to bet you find a lot more down to earth, humble people online than you would in "real life."
In my calculated, crazy mind, online dating works because it's efficient. It brings efficiency to dating. Instead of trying to go on blind dates, meet people at bars, or any of the other ways people are meeting each other these days, you can go online, knock out tons of people who don't fit your criteria, and then hope that the ones who do match will actually respond to you.
Anyway, you're probably all wondering how my online dating experience has gone. Well, let's suffice it to say it's gone pretty similarly to my offline dating experience. Basically, it's going nowhere, fast. Much of the blame rests on me, as I half-assed my profile the first time I put it online. It took me about a month to get around to changing it, and I guess by that time, many people had already seen my crappy profile, and weren't willing to take a second look. I have e-mailed 3 different people (gotten zero responses), winked at 4 different people (the equivalent of a Facebook poke - also zero responses), was winked at by someone who I didn't find very desirable, and received an e-mail from a girl who was seriously illiterate. My profile has been viewed 82 times, but only the 2 people mentioned earlier have thought to respond. So yeah, no dates yet. But I'm trying to reach out to more people to see what happens.
Also, I've come across some interesting things throughout my search of the Match.com universe. I've found someone who I graduated high school with, who I never thought would be online dating in a million years. Like I said earlier, people looking for something they couldn't find elsewhere. I've also found some of the readers of this blog on Match.com. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, but for a few of you, just know that I know.
As the last month of my subscription begins, I promise to keep you all up to date on any developments in the online dating world. I really am hoping to get at least 1 date out of this thing, if for no other reason to have a great story to tell all of you.
So if you're thinking about online dating, give it a shot. It's seriously not that bad, and there are certainly worse ways to meet people. Just beware, it's pretty pricey, and these sites will find a way to nickel and dime you to death. Good luck.
- Kaps
Song of the Day: Wiz Khalifa - Say Yeah