Useless piece of information that I felt I needed to share with all of you. The Cincinnati Reds' pitching coach is named "Dick Pole." Let that stew for a minute.
Seriously? He couldn't go by Richard, Ricky, or his middle name (Henry)? Well, at least he provides me some humor 2-3 times a game during the 6-7 games we play the Reds each year.
Can anyone think of a better name than Dick Pole? It's quite a gargantuan task. Clearly, he wins the "Best Porn Name" post from a few weeks ago...and he doesn't even have to use the formula.
- Kaps
Epilogue: Michael Hunt is a sportswriter in Milwaukee.
Well, here's the answer to my question: Best Dirty Sports Names
And yes, I've fully digressed into a 10 year old, and I'm damn proud of it.
Song of the Day: NaS - One Mic
There is a Harry Wang at work. Despite how mature I like to believe I am, I dissolve into giggles whenever I have to send an email to harrywang69.
You've got to be kidding me. They gave Harry Wang the 69 number at work? That is absolutely priceless. No one is going to top that.
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