Last night I was introduced to one of the finest new shows on television. It's probably not going to win any Oscars nor will it be considered one of the finest shows on television. In fact, I'm pretty sure the show won't make it past one season. However, for sheer entertainment value, it's near the top of the list in my book. The show that I'm talking about? Jersey Shore.
For those of you who don't know, Jersey Shore is a new MTV show in the mold of "The Real World" that puts 8 "guidos" and "guidettes" together in a house in Seaside Heights, New Jersey for one magical summer. "The Real World" may have entertainment value for the drama that ensues, but it's taken to a whole new level when you introduce guidos into the mix. Just to clarify, "guidos" are the fine segment of our society who are also known as "douche bags," "meatheads," "New York assholes," and basically are the guys who were the topic of the hit YouTube video "My New Haircut." (If you've never seen it, you need to go watch it right now.) The guys on the show are your typical guidos: blowout haircut, huge muscles, lots of tats, talk funny, and are downright obnoxious and self-absorbed. The "guidettes," a term that I never knew existed before watching the show, are total whores with fake tans, fake boobs, bad attitudes, and a predisposition to starting drama.
Are you getting the picture? When you put these 8 people together in one house, the shenanigans that ensure are downright hilarious. There are fights, people get arrested, and enough dumb, inexplicable comments are thrown around that you could write a book about them all. A special shout out goes to Mike "The Situation" who is so self-absorbed and full of himself he makes the other guidos look like normal people. I HIGHLY recommend that you take some time out of your Thursday at 10 PM to watch Jersey Shore on MTV. You won't regret it. I promise.
Thank you Kanad for the recommendation.
- Kaps
Song of the Day: Candlebox - Far Behind
"i dont care if ya retahded. i dont care if ya fourty... i'll dance with ya."
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