Monday, April 8, 2013

Bar Mitzvah Weekend

I spent most of the last weekend at my cousin's Bar Mitzvah and related activities. Lots of family in from out of town, lots of stressed Mom, and lots to do. Normally, I'm not a huge fan of these large family events, as the small talk tends to bore me and feels forced with half the people you meet. Things were much different this weekend and I really enjoyed the time spent with my extended family, even beyond the affair. 

I guess I'm growing up or maybe I just have a different perspective now, because I have come to appreciate the older people in my family and what they have to offer. I love hearing stories about my great-grandparents, distant aunts and uncles, and cousins. The connection to my past is special for me, and gives me much more of an appreciation for where I come from and the values I hold dear. If I don't hear these stories now, they may pass away with this generation, so I basically was a sponge the entire weekend listening to everything I could possibly remember.

Beyond that, I thought quite a bit about my grandparents who are no longer with us to celebrate joyous occasions like a Bar Mitzvah. They were and still are such an important part of my life, and every occasion like this one is bittersweet knowing they aren't here to join us. As we move forward, their spirit is still very much alive in all of us.

We laughed, we cried, and we thought about the past and also the future. I think it looks bright. All in all a great weekend.


Song of the Day: Lumineers - Stubborn Love

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