Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Value of Parents - A Belated Mother's Day Post

I did some reflecting over the past few weeks about my parents. I'm getting to the age where all of the things my parents taught me over the years are really starting to click. You grow up with your parents for years and they always say, "One day you'll understand." That day has arrived. It's not just the foundational things like treating others with respect and the value of hard work, but what I've really come to appreciate recently are the subtle things my parents have taught me. For years my Dad has told me lessons about how he has succeeded in business even when his skills/knowledge may not have been where they needed to be in certain situations. I find myself applying those lessons over and over on a daily basis. My Mom, just by her presence, has taught me how to be caring and appreciate the small gifts in life. I could go on and on, but I'll keep it short (just this once!).

These are lessons that will stick with me through the rest of my life and will shape who I am as I grow into a more mature adult. I'm so grateful to have my parents and all they have done and continue to do for me.


Song of the Day: Muse - Panic Station

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